News, Views & How-To's

SGIA – New Orleans – October 2011

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

Just got back from New Orleans and the 2011 SGIA tradeshow. Attendance was solid at over 16,000 (final numbers to be published soon) and — a stat I have a hard time believing — 35% were 1st time attendees to the show. Having new eyes on everyone’s products is a good thing for everyone including Roland. While people weren’t stamped with a “1st Time Attendee” badge on their forehead (and I’m lobbying for it in the future) it meant that we had a great opportunity to make a first impression on everyone that we met at the show.

We had a chance to feature some newer products at the show that offered the first opportunity for many at SGIA to see them, including the VersaUV LEJ-640 and LEF-12, as well as the VersaStudio BN-20. All were well received and we had several enthusiastic attendees give us some great feedback. In fact, Roland won a DPI product of the year award for our ECO-UV ink, and an honorable mention for the LEJ-640.

Overall, I’d say that all the exhibitors stepped up their game for the show. The use of fabric soft signage was noticeably more prevailing in all of the exhibits. If you’re not selling soft signage today, give us a call, or start your research now – it’s coming whether you’re ready or not.

It was New Orleans, so everyone had a good time, including Lori Anderson, President/CEO of ISA seen here confabulating with Mike Robertson, President and CEO of SGIA. I even got Lori to do some “planking” in the booth – Lori’s now officially an Internet meme. We wanted to get her on top of the car, but settled for the seat cushions due to ‘safety’ concerns.

The oversized highlighter was a great source of fun. See all the creative highlighter pictures on flickr and vote for your favorite by leaving a comment.

Roland was there in full force.

DPI Product of the Year Award

also, the actual winning entry

Looking forward to next year’s SGIA in Las Vegas. See you there!

Thanks for reading,


Rick Scrimger

Rick Scrimger is a company culture and management expert. Rick swims, bikes, and runs, but is mostly the Chief Daughter Entertainer & Chief Diaper Changer at home.