News, Views & How-To's

Using a Roland the Italian Way

What is it about the Italians that makes them so cool? The romantic language? The fast cars? The creamy gelato? The Italians certainly have a way.. they seem to draw attention without even trying. What makes them so different? Certainly their style. But I also think they are especially creative and have an exceptional commitment to quality. Earlier this year, my Roland colleagues in Italy contributed to my theory about Italians.

In March, almost 30 Italian endusers gathered at the Roland Mid Europe campus to show the world how they use their Roland equipment. I was so impressed by the “Roland Experience Day” event pictures that I feel compelled to share them in the hopes that it may provide some inspiration to you. And I must say, my favorite is the custom printed rain boots! Adorable!

Americans have just as much creativity!! I see evidence of it every day in our lobby where we house our Creative Center, showcasing work created on a Roland. Best place to see the Creative Center photos is on If this inspires you, or you have some inspiration of your own to share, please let us know. We’d love to feature you too!

Experience Day Flickr Photos

Experience Day Video Highlights