News, Views & How-To's

Roland DGA

Creating High-Impact Truck Graphics

We came across some fun images and info on truck graphics. In our opinion, when it comes to digital graphics that move at 60 mph, you’ve got it right when the picture tells the story. Include a little branding and eliminate the words and they’ll “get the picture.” Advertising on the side of a truck can be really powerful. Here are some facts and figures about moving billboards.

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High-Volume Production Made Easy with VersaWorks

Ever run into the limit of 250 copies in VersaWorks? This little obstacle can be easily overcome by adding the same job twice to Queue A or Queue B and nesting both instances of the same job. Once nested, double-click on the “Nest” and enter 250 copies for each instance (of the same file) in the queue. You now have 500 copies of the same object. It’s that simple!

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Great Accessories to Keep Your GX Clean

As a GX-24 or GX Pro owner, you may keep your machine in a shop or warehouse environment where the dirt can accumulate pretty fast. Aside from the “ick” factor, a dirty environment can build up static, affecting cut quality. The perfect solution for the mess? A catch basket to protect the graphics and a machine cover to protect the technology! These affordable accessories, made from durable thick nylon materials and powder coated steel for long life, will keep dirt away from the machine that drives your business. Purchase these and other GX accessories from your authorized reseller or directly from the Roland DGA Store.

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How to View Curved Text and Other Effects in CutStudio

Curved text is a must have when doing sports or any other type of apparel appliqués. So if your text effects in Adobe® Illustrator®, such as curves, are not properly displaying in the CutStudio plug-in window, try “expanding” the text to get the desired effect. This can be done by highlighting the graphic and choosing “Object/Expand” or “Object/Expand Appearance” in order to turn the text into vector lines that can be understood by the CutStudio software plug-in. This works with just about any effect that does not register in the plug-in window. Once it displays correctly, all that is left is to output the job to the cutter!

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