News, Views & How-To's

Inkjet Printers & Printers/Cutters

Discover a multitude of useful inkjet printer and printer/cutter tips and tricks in this selection of small business articles and resources to help you grow your sign and graphics business. The following articles highlight Roland eco-solvent devices and VersaUV software as well as featuring inkjet printer sand printer/cutters posts to empower your business with productivity and profitability advice.

T-Shirts That Sell

Creating an Exciting New Look with Rhinestones. Roland R-Wear business solutions enable apparel shops to attract new customers with the power of personalization. With established Roland output devices, Roland R-Wear Studio design software lets you quickly add tremendous value to everything from jeans and t-shirts to hats and handbags.

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What’s it cost to produce two 2-by-20-ft. digitally-printed banners

Printing on hemmed, grommeted stock saves time and money. One of the things that digital printing makes easier is banners. I noticed in the Design & Price [SignCraft, March/April 2008] feature on a 4-by-12-ft. banner, that three of the four sign designers who participated described producing a digitally-printed version. It’s fast, and it lets you use color without worrying about how many colors or layers of vinyl it will take.

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Professional presentations result in profitable printing projects.

Most sales are not too difficult to close; however, at times we must resort to some “extra yard” presentation techniques to close our multi-unit printing opportunities. This week I am proposing a digital printing and cut-vinyl vehicle graphics package for three distinctly different trucks. All the messages are the same; however, there are layout issues that differ from truck, to van, to van. To dramatically increase the chances of our getting this nice graphics package order, we simply resorted to our Roland VP-540 to help us create some “sample boards” to show the client what we could offer to increase his business right away.

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The economy, effectiveness, and value of digital printing versus cut vinyl graphics.

Old habits die hard around my sign company. For years and years we have designed and created effective window graphics for numerous retail businesses. Vinyl lettering and window graphics were always created on our plotter with solid color vinyl and assembled in layers on site. With my Roland VP-540, the same jobs are completed in about 25% of the usual time, with a definite upgrade in appearance and value for the customers.

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