News, Views & How-To's

SGIA Roundup

We just wrapped up our big fall show – SGIA – for color, UV, cutter & engraving products. And with the recent introduction of the new Pro4 XR-640 at the center, it looked like it would be a good show. Turns out, it was. With record attendance over 22,000, the show was packed. Not just at the Roland booth, but the whole show seemed to be buzzing with energy. It was as good a show as I’ve seen in some time, and many exhibitors I spoke with at the show echoed the same sentiment. 18%+ of attendees were international. What’s more, some 38% of all attendees were there for the 1st time. What a great first impression they must have had!

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It’s Epic. It’s Here. Finally.

If you’re in the sign industry, and spending any time on the webby-web, you might have seen some of our teasers about a new “4”-like machine. Well, it’s finally here. The original “Pro” line started in 2002, and has been a part of our flagship of printer/cutters ever since. 10-years later, we’re on the 4th edition. It seems like it’s been a lot longer, and in most technology-circles, that’s a lifetime.

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