News, Views & How-To's

The Olympics Are Over, But The Competition Continues

The 2012 Summer Olympics are officially over, but vivid images of amazing athletes competing for medals are still stuck in my brain in addition to my DVR. This got me thinking about the role competition plays in our lives. It starts early. Moms and dads compete to see that their kids get into the best preschool. Once we’re in school, we compete for grades. That’s often followed by competition to get into band, orchestra, cheer squad or sports. Later, we compete for jobs, promotions and raises. Neighbors compete for who drives the best car, has the greenest lawn or the smartest kids.

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We like Dr. Seuss at Roland

We just wrapped up a new video highlighting some of the things you can do with a VersaCAMM. And while it’s obvious we like Dr. Seuss at Roland, as you’ll soon see, it did provide a clever way to tell the story of versatility, creativity & ROI vs. a simple price-driven message that seems to pervade the printer market. It’s also worth noting that when you’re making a printer investment, it’s much more than just the product. It’s the support, service, webinars & education, and more. Ok, I’m off the soapbox. Let’s get on with the show…

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