News, Views & How-To's

2012 ISA Show Wrap-up

ISA, our biggest show of the year, came early this year and we had a good show! We won 3 awards for top products: LEJ-640 & Matte & Glossy Backlit Film. Attendance was similar to 2-years ago when were previously in Orlando, but we had a bigger booth, more products, got more leads and do what we do best – put on a bigger & better show every year.

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How to Make Mistakes Right

Let’s face it, as hard as we try, we all occasionally mess up. A product doesn’t get delivered on time, or it’s not the item that was ordered. At such times, it’s all too easy to lose a customer, or worse — have the issue blown all out of proportion in social media. I believe such incidents, if they’re handled right, offer an opportunity to actually gain an even stronger customer relationship, one that can result in very positive social media expression.

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The BN-20 T-Shirt Machine

The shirt-maker. That’s what we’re calling the BN-20 now-a-days thanks to some recent conversations heard around the office. Turns out the young BN-20 VersaStudio (only 8 months old now) is making a splash in the decorated apparel market as a T-Shirt printer. You should have seen the crowds at our booth at ISS Long Beach last week. Everyone wanted a glimpse and a sample and some more info. They were 4 deep and blocking the aisle!

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On User Interfaces Becoming More Friendly

Unless you’ve been meditating on a mountain top in Tibet, you’ve heard about Siri, the voice-activated personal assistant included with the Apple iPhone 4S. Ask Siri to find a restaurant, make a call, or when your next appointment is, and she’ll respond appropriately. Recently, I’ve also had the opportunity to try out Kinect, the motion-sensing input device included with Microsoft’s Xbox console. Both Siri and Kinect offer user interfaces that are charming, intelligent and easy to use.

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Vote for Roland!

Here in the US, the 2012 elections are almost a year away, but you can vote for Roland right now in what will also undoubtedly be a hotly contested race. Don’t worry, I’ll never use this space to discuss politics, but Roland products have been nominated for the 2012 Wide Format Imaging Readers’ Choice Top Product Awards in 5 categories.

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Making Money with Metallic Printing

We recently conducted a survey of our users who have “metallic capable” devices from our lineup, and we found some amazing nuggets I’d like to share. The survey was sent to 500+ users, with a 29% response rate, enough that the results are statistically significant. For starters, 61% of those units are set up to run our metallic Eco Sol Max inks.

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Taking in the Creativity of the Creative Awards

I don’t know about your office, but ours runs at 100mph for most of the year. I’m sure you can relate. If it’s not a tradeshow, it’s a product launch. If it’s not a product launch, it’s budget time. If it’s not budget time, it’s a web redesign. And so it goes. The best part is, that no matter how busy we are, we always manage to squeeze in a little fun, mostly due to our quirky staff. Last week for example, the Occupy movement set up camp, right in our department! (Notice Romie, our web guy. He’s a total Mac-head and he made his “iProtest” sign on his iPad.)

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