News, Views & How-To's

Sweet Home Chicago

Graph Expo just wrapped up in Chicago, and after a few days walking around the show and talking to customers at our booth, I’ve come to some conclusions about the state of the printing business. First and foremost, despite all the discussions and questions about the need for print in the digital age, the industry is alive, well, and innovating at a staggering rate. Printers were walking the floor looking for new techniques and technologies that would continue to push the limits of what we can do with ink on paper (or plastic, metal, wood, and a thousand other substrates). There are still lots of instances in which a computer monitor, smart phone, or iPad won’t get the job done.

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Back To School

Last week, I had the chance to spend some time with Roland end users at one of our "Digital Printing Boot Camp” classes, and as always, I enjoyed the experience, and came away impressed. One of the things I particularly noticed was just how varied our users are. Even with a class of about 10, we had Roland owners from every region of the US, as well as one from Canada.

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