
  Black #000
  Blue Dark #1a4a80
  Blue Light #D9e4ef
  Blue Medium #2189C8
  Blue Royal #0064D0
  Gray #898E92
  Gray #666666
  Gray #333333
  Gray Medium #8891a0
  Gray Light #cccccc
  Gray Silver #eeeeee
  White #ffffff
Image sizes
 Applications, Technology, Industries Banners  2560x300

Aspect ratio (3:2)

  • Feature items (Left/right)
  • Row block of 3 or 6 gallery images on product pages
  • Contest Images
 Video Icon (16:9)  938x527px
 Application Icon  767x511px (?)
 Industry Icon, Technology   358x243 <- But should  this be 767x511 to fit full width in mobile
Case Study images for the rotator (3:2)
Press Product Images 1800x1200 (or 6 inches at 300dpi)
Press Icon 600x400 px


Home Page

Banner size
2560x 530px
Case Study/Press Release images
 Discover 1139 x 214


Product Page

Product Banners 2560x615
Product Features Pull Right/Pull Left
1240px max width before image gets cut off
 Product Price or Lease

<h6>LIST PRICE</h6>

<p>$29,995 US*</p>

<p><small>* U.S. only. For Canada, Latin America and Caribbean pricing, please call (949) 727-2100, or contact an Authorized Roland Dealer in your area. .</small></p>

Small Product Price or Lease  

<h6>LEASE PRICE</h6>


<p>$600 US**</p>


<p><small> ** For 60 months, OAC </small></p>

Category page ico
250px (w) x 157 px (h)
Product Page ico
 250px (w) x 157 px (h)



Blog Icon 800x533
Banner 2560x300


Support Product Image  480x360  (Filename only for support DGA (All caps and no dashes JPG) ex MPX90.jpg


Global Menu

Menu Icon 140px × 94px PNG